

    关键词 :沪深300指数、日经225指数、GARCH模型、误差修正模型 

    毕业论文 外 文 摘 要

    Title  :The relationship between stock index futures and spots--Based on the comparison of domestic and foreign market                                                        


    In 1982, the first stock index futures in the world was established in America, which represented the arrival of the stock index futures era. Six years later, Japan launched Nikkei 225 index futures, and finally, not until April 16, 2010, did China launch its first index futures - CSI 300 index futures. This paper uses the method of GARCH model with the data of CSI 300 index and concludes that the introduction of CSI 300 index futures decreased the spot market’s volatility slightly. Meanwhile, the paper compares the price relationship of Nikkei 225 index futures and spot with that of CSI 300 index, which are obtained from the empirical study. The results indicate that there is no price discovery relationship between the CSI 300 index futures and spot, while the Nikkei 225 index futures price can guide the spot price.

    Keywords:CIS 300 Index   Nikkei 225 Index   GARCH-M  ECM

    1  引言 1

    1.1  研究背景及意义 1

    1.2  研究方法 1

    文献回顾 2

    2.1  国外研究概述 2

    2.2  国内研究概述 3

    2.3  研究综述总结及本文创新 4

    3  股价指数和股指期货的简介 4

    3.1  相关概念 4

    3.2  沪深300指数和沪深300股指期货 5

    3.3  日经225指数和日经225股指期货 5

    4  沪深300指数期货的推出对股指波动性影响的实证研究 7

    4.1  数据及指标的选取 8

    4.2  统计分析 8

    4.3  模型的选择及研究步骤 10

    4.4 基于日收益率序列的实证研究 11

    4.5  实证结论分析 14

    5  基于股指期货与股指现货价格关系的国内外对比研究 15

    5.1  数据与指标的选取 15

    5.2  统计分析及对比 15

    5.3  模型的选取与研究步骤

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