

    毕业论文关键词:中小企业 融资方式 融资困境

    Financing ways of small and medium sized enterprises in foreign countries and Its Enlightenment

        Abstract:  financing problem is one of the most troubled problems in small and medium-sized enterprises in various countries. The solution to the financing problem of small and medium-sized enterprises is a significant task for the development of enterprises. Many scholars have a corresponding research on the financing problems of small and medium enterprises. Through the study of the literature of scholars, this paper has a deeper analysis of the way of financing of small and medium enterprises in foreign countries. In this paper, the financing of small and medium enterprises in foreign countries as the research object, and the relevant knowledge of the detailed exposition. With the USA and Japan as a case study, the financing of small and medium enterprises in Japan and the United States were analyzed, and summed up the excellent experience of the two countries. One of the most significant is the multi-level direct financing system and a sound legal system. Combined with the current our country small and medium-sized enterprise financing in the face of the national support for the weak, and puts forward the difficulties such as the establishment of full-time to support SMEs financial institutions a series of feasible suggestions in order to promote the development of small and medium-sized enterprises of our country.


        Key Words:small and medium sized enterprises   financing way    finance difficulties


     一、绪论 5

    (一)中小企业融资的研究背景 5

    (二)研究国外中小企业融资的意义 5

    (三)文献综述 7

    二、国外中小企业融资的特点 8

    (一)中小企业的定义及中美日三国区分标准 8

    (二)中小企业的特点 9

    (三)国外中小企业的融资特点 10

    (四)国外中小企业的融资方式 11

    (五)中小企业对于国民经济的意义 12

    三、案例分析 12

    (一)美国中小企业的融资 12

    (二)日本中小企业的融资 15

    四、我国中小企业面临的融资困境和发展建议 18

    (一)我国中小企业面临的融资困境 18

    (二)对我国中小企业融资方面的发展建议 19

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