


    Current situation and Management Countermeasures of bad assets of commercial banks in China

    Abstract: There is a huge amount of non-performing assets in the commercial bank system in China, the non-performing assets has affected the safe operation of the system of commercial banks of our country, here lurks unpredictable financial risk problem, very unfavorable to the stable development of China's economy, is also our country banking industry development and reform process in the face serious problems. Thus it can be seen that it is very important to analyze and explore the non-performing assets and find the suitable management countermeasures for our country's situation. Taking the Bank of China as an example, this paper analyzes the current situation of the non-performing assets of the Bank of China. First introduced the current situation of Bank of China non-performing assets; then the non-performing assets of the reasons are analyzed; at last, combining with the course of governance in China's state-owned commercial banks is put forward in accordance with the correct method of China's commercial banks to dispose of bad assets, to explore solutions to the disposal of non-performing assets in a variety of ways. I hope this paper can contribute to the steady development of the financial industry in our country. 

    Key words: bad assets; commercial banks; bank credit assets


    一、绪论 - 1 -

    (一)选题背景 - 1 -

    (二)研究意义 - 2 -

    (三)文献综述 - 2 -

    二、商业银行不良资产概述 - 3 -

    (一)商业银行不良资产的界定 - 3 -

    (二)商业银行不良资产的分类 - 4 -

    (三)我国商业银行主要指标分析 - 5 -

    三、我国商业银行不良资产现状分析—以中国银行为例 - 6 -

    (一)我国商业银行不良资产现状 - 6 -

    (二)中国银行不良资产的比例 - 8 -

    (三)中国银行不良资产的发展趋势 - 9 -

    (四)中国银行不良资产产生的原因 - 11 -

    四、我国国有商业银行化解不良资产的实践 - 13 -

    (一)我国国有商业银行化解不良资产的历史进程 - 13 -

    (二)我国国有商业银行化解不良资产的主要方式及其评价 - 15 -


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