

    毕业论文关键词  中小企业  资本结构  影响因素  实证分析  

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title  The influencing factors of the financing structure’s choice in the manufacturing sector of SMEs                                                


    The capital structure of SMEs is different from large enterprises. Unreasonable capital structure tends to restrict the development of SMEs.

    In this paper, 50 manufacturing listed companies in the SME board in Shenzhen Stock Exchange for the data sample. I observed the companies’2009-2013 financial reports and the use of empirical analysis found:SME’s financing structure is a significant negative correlation with profitability. Business growth and size of the company and the collateral value of assets is positively related to SMEs’financing structure. The impact of Enterprises’non-debt tax shield and liquidity on  SME's total debt ratio, long-term asset-liability ratio, current assets-liability ratio is not consistent. Finally, there are some suggestions for the financing structure of SMEs in the manufacturing sector.

    Keywords  SMEs  Capital Structure   Factors   Empirical Analysis

    目   次

    1 引言 1

    2 理论分析 4

    2.1 无公司税条件下的MM理论 4

    2.2 有公司税条件下的MM理论 5

    2.3 权衡理论 5

    2.4 优序融资理论 5

    3 研究假设 6

    3.1 盈利能力与资本结构 6

    3.2 成长性与资本结构 7

    3.3 公司规模与资本结构 7

    3.4 资产担保价值与资本结构 7

    3.5 非债务税盾与资本结构 8

    3.6 资产流动性与资本结构 8

    4 研究设计 8

    4.1 样本选择与数据来源 8

    4.2 模型与研究变量 9

    5 实证分析 10

    5.1 描述性统计分析 10

    5.2 制造业中小企业变量的时间序列分析 11

    5.3 各变量之间的相关性研究 11

    5.4 回归分析 12

    结  论 15

    致  谢 17

    参 考 文 献

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