


    毕业论文关键词:小微企业 融资模式 融资结构

    The Study of the Financing Mode of Small and Micro Enterprises

    Abstract: the small micro enterprise in our country although small in scale, but on promoting the development of the national economy still plays an irreplaceable role. At present, the small micro enterprise in the financing channels and financing scale compared with large enterprises are at a disadvantage, this is due to the small micro enterprise characteristics caused by various reasons.

    This article will take the small micro enterprise as the main research object, using the methods of literature analysis and case analysis, the current financing mode of small micro enterprise present situation and the existing problems are studied, finally found the small micro enterprises in our country while constantly adjust on the financing structure, the scale expands unceasingly, but there are still lack of credit policy, the lack of guarantees and imperfect and so on various aspects of the problem. This article through to the exogenous and endogenous financing of small micro enterprise financing financing mode and combining with analysis of the problems, respectively, from the enterprise itself, folk financing platform and three aspects of government policy and puts forward some countermeasures to promote small micro enterprise financing.

    Key words: small micro enterprise financing financing structure


    一、引言 1

    (一)研究背景、研究意义 1

    1、研究背景 1

    2、研究意义 1

    (二)相关文献回顾 1

    (三)研究内容 3

    二、小微企业融资的理论研究 3

    (一)相关概念界定 3

    1、融资和小微企业 3

    2、企业融资的形式 3

    3、小微企业融资的意义 4

    (二)小微企业融资的障碍和突破口 5

    1、小微企业融资的障碍 5

    2、小微企业融资的突破口 6

    三、小微企业融资现状及存在问题 7

    (一)小微企业融资现状 7

    1、融资规模不断扩大 7

    2、融资结构不断调整 8

    3、融资方式更加多样 9


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