


    关键词:产权结构 ;商业银行效率;问题;影响;建议 

    Study of property rights structure on efficiency of commercial banks

    Abstract: In today's world, the development of all walks of life can not be separated from the support of the economy, finance is the core elements of economic development, but also a strong guarantee for sustainable economic development. Commercial banks as the intermediary of the financial industry, has become a powerful driving force for growth. China commercial bank efficiency and the country's financial sector are closely linked to the growth of the high efficiency of bank management is a necessary condition for the evolution of the financial system. Second, the efficiency of banks indirectly affect national economy is running smoothly. For economic transformation in China, by improving the financial efficiency to promote economic development is more important, improve the efficiency is the key to the survival of the banking industry, the cause of low efficiency because of the irrationality of the structure of property rights. In this paper, the based on the perspective of property rights to research the influences of property right structure on the efficiency of commercial banks in study.

    This paper is pided into five parts, the first part is the analysis of commercial bank efficiency theory and the practical significance, the effect on the efficiency of commercial banks and property right structure on the efficiency of commercial banks of scholars; the second part of the paper, the structure of property rights is the internal property from the property will decompose, bank efficiency is the two concepts between income and cost the proportion between the mechanism and effect of ownership structure on the efficiency of commercial banks; the third part indicates the single ownership structure, imperfect governance structure, capital adequacy, efficiency of the incentive mechanism problems of China's property rights structure; the fourth part is the construction of study model of property rights structure of commercial banks China efficiency and analyze the reasons; finally a part of the commercial banks should improve the structure of property rights.

    Key words: property right structure;commercial bank efficiency;problems;    influence;suggestions

    目 录

    一.引言 1


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