
    摘要:近年来, 我国市场经济体制不断完善,小微企业的数量也不断提升。小微企业的迅速发展增加了社会就业机会,带动了社会技术创新,促进了社会经济的平稳发展,因此小微企业逐渐成为我国市场经济最有活力的一部分。截至2015年底商业银行小微企业贷款余额已超过20万亿元。随着商业银行向小微企业发放的贷款规模不断增加,其承受的风险也在不断增加,而信用风险一直以来都是商业银行急需解决的问题。因此,如何有效控制商业银行小微企业贷款的信用风险是本文必须积极研究的重点。68995


    毕业论文关键词:商业银行 小微企业贷款 信用风险管理 

    Credit Risk Management of Commercial Banks Small and Micro Enterprises

    Abstract: In recent years, the market economic system of China continues to improve, the number of small and micro enterprises also continue to upgrade. The rapid development of small and micro enterprises increased employment opportunities, promote the innovation of social technology, promote the steady development of the social economy, so small and micro enterprises gradually become Chinese market economy the most dynamic part of the. As of the end of 2015 commercial banks small and micro enterprises loan balance has more than 20 trillion yuan. With the commercial bank loans to small and micro enterprises to increase the size of the loan, the risk is also increasing, and credit risk has been the urgent need to solve the problem of commercial banks. Therefore, how to effectively control the credit risk of small and micro enterprises in commercial banks is the focus of this paper.

    This paper comprehensively expounds the domestic commercial banks small and micro enterprise loan credit risk management theory, through the analysis of domestic and foreign scholars study, reference and effective experience and constantly mining innovation points. Firstly, this paper analyzes the present situation and existing problems of credit risk management of small and micro enterprises credit risk management of commercial banks in China. Secondly, analyze the reason of credit risk, and summarize the credit risk management method of commercial bank in our country. Finally our country actual situation and foreign experience, effective suggestions to the commercial bank small micro enterprise loans credit risk management, hope for Chinese commercial banks in the small micro enterprise loan credit risk control provide certain reference.

    Key Words:Commercial Banks  Small and Micro Enterprises   Credit Risk Management


    一、绪  论 - 1 -

    (一)研究背景及目的 - 1 -

    (二)国内外文献综述 - 2 -

    (三)研究方法及基本内容 - 2 -

    (四)研究的主要特色 - 3 -

    二、商业银行小微企业贷款信用风险管理理论基础 - 3 -

    (一)小微企业贷款的概念 - 3 -


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