




    A study of the performance of the social security fund investment

    Abstract: After decades of development and improvement, the social security system has been deeply integrated into people's daily life, which makes people pay more attention to the social security fund investment operation. In recent years, because before the remaining part has been slow to solve the problem, there are more and more serious aging population, at present for our problem of the social insurance fund's investment and operation is still a challenge.

    The social and environmental conditions that people face in the investment of social security funds are increasingly concerned by people because of the gradual increase of democratic consciousness. In this paper, the social security fund investment performance will be pided into three aspects, namely, financial, social, environmental and comprehensive evaluation.

    Firstly, this paper briefly describes the background and related theories, and summarizes the shortcomings of the current social security fund investment operation performance evaluation, such as the high management cost, the narrow investment scope and so on. And then through empirical analysis, we can get the conclusion that the comprehensive evaluation results of the social security fund investment performance is relatively good, but still need to improve. Finally elaborated the establishment of strict legal environment, increase investment in the field of environment and other measures to solve the existing problems in our country.

    Key words: Social Security Fund; Performance Research


    一、绪论 - 1 -

    (一)研究背景和意义 - 1 -

    1、研究背景 - 1 -

    2、研究意义 - 1 -

    (二)文献综述 - 2 -

    1、国外文献综述 - 2 -

    2、国内研究综述 - 3 -

    二、社保基金投资绩效评价的理论基础 - 4 -

    (一)社保基金投资概述 - 4 -

    1、社保基金概述 - 4 -

    2、社保基金投资概述 - 4 -

    (二)社保基金投资运营绩效评价方法 - 5 -

    1、委托代理理论 - 5 -

    2、资本资产定价模型 - 5 -


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