
    摘  要:近几年来,对外贸易对促进我国经济的发展起到了重要的作用,然而也产生了诸多的问题限制了对外贸易的发展。本文在国际贸易的基础上,从南通近几年进出口贸易方面分析了南通市中小企业对外贸易发展现状及存在问题。采用数据分析、案例研究的方法从我国中小企业对外贸易发展的现状引入到南通中小企业对外贸易发展的现状,深入的分析了产生目前现状的原因,最后针对上述的原因逐步的提出改善对外贸易发展状态的一系列措施及相应的对策。67734


    Abstract:In recent years, to promote foreign trade played an important role in the development of economy in our country, but also produced many problems restrict the development of foreign trade. In this paper, on the basis of international trade, are analyzed from the aspects of Nantong import and export trade for recent years in Nantong, small and medium-sized enterprise development present situation and existing problems of foreign trade .Adopt the method of data analysis, case studies from the present situation of small and medium-sized enterprises in our country foreign trade development is introduced into the Nantong current development of small and medium-sized enterprises of foreign trade, in-depth analysis of the causes of current situation, and finally based on the above reasons gradually put forward a series of measures to improve the foreign trade development status and the corresponding countermeasures.

    Keywords:external trade, medium-sized and small enterprises, economic growth, current situation of the development

    目  录

    1 引言 4

    2 文献综述 4

    3 南通市中小企业对外贸易现状 5

    3.1 出口的产品属于中低端产品 6

    3.2 对外贸易销售渠道较少 6

    4 南通中小企业对外贸易发展中存在的问题 7

    4.1 非关税壁垒阻碍的影响 8

    4.2 人民币升值使得企业收益降低 9

    4.3 出口的产品缺乏自主品牌 9

    4.4 产业结构的不协调使得产品的技术含量较低 10

    4.5 管理模式和理念落后限制发展速度 10

    5 促进南通中小企业对外贸易发展的对策 11

    5.1 政府和企业加强合作,突破非贸易壁垒 11

    5.2 结合运用金融和贸易手段,减少人民币升值带来的风险 11

    5.3 加强自主品牌的建设,提高创新能力 12

    5.4 优化产品结构,提高企业竞争力 12

    5.5 加强管理,推动对外贸易的发展 13

    结论 14

    参 考 文 献 15

    致谢 16

    1 引言


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