


    The dilemma and Countermeasures for the development of community business community business community - Internet + background

    Abstract: Community as the basis of social organization, one of the units, the long-term development of social progress has important influence. As for the community, the construction and development of community commerce has become the key factor to the progress and development of the community. It is highly valued by the government, enterprises, the masses and so on. But in the development of community business, there are many difficulties which need to be solved urgently.      With the development and progress of the times, we have entered the era of information technology, information technology has become one of the important means of the progress of our times. In today's rapid development of information technology era, Internet set off the emergence of many industry changes, brought the earth shaking changes have taken place in our life, including the development of the business community also brought huge change and innovation. In Internet + the environment, this paper selects the business community as the research object, at the same time in the trainee 7-11 community chain stores the specific case,  the problems and difficulties existing in the development process of Shanghai, at the present stage in community business analysis, and gives some suggestions for the development of community business to provide certain reference and reference, on the basis of field investigation, to analyze the community business community how to play the advantages of their own under the background about shock of internet, to better serve the community. 

    Keywords: community commerce, community, Internet

    一、前言 4

    (一)研究背景与研究意义 4

    (二)研究方法 4

    1、文献参考法 4

    2、田野调查法 4

    二、何为社区商业 5

    (一)社区及社区商业的含义 5

    (二)社区商业的社区性 5

    (三)发展社区商业的重要性 5

    1、社区商业的发展能够促进和谐社区的发展 5

    2、社区商业的发展能够为人们提供便利的生活 5


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