

    毕业论文关键词: 会展活动;参展企业;传播信息;组织者

    Analysis on the difference of science and technology information based on exhibition activities in different industries

    Abstract: With the rapid development of the exhibition industry, all kinds of problems are gradually emerging in the industry. In all kinds of exhibitions held in the country, it is not difficult to find in the development of the exhibition industry seems to have suffered a development bottleneck. Therefore, it is an important factor to enhance the competitiveness of China's exhibition industry to tap the potential of the use of China's exhibition industry. In this paper the exhibition activities on the dissemination of scientific and technical information of different industries degree of difference analysis, aimed at according to the connection for the exhibition organizers and Exhibition exhibitors to provide effective basis, for both attention and expand exhibition activities of communication ability to provide a reference. This study through the exhibition site of the participating enterprises to carry out a questionnaire survey, and the data obtained by chart analysis, cross analysis, in order to make the analysis results more scientific and reliable. Survey results show that: the spread of scientific and technological information in different industries in the exhibition activities are different.

    Key Words: Exhibition activities; Participating enterprises; Dissemination of information; Organizers

    摘要 6

    引言 9

    一、绪论 10

    (一) 研究背景和意义 10

    1. 课题的研究背景 10

    2. 课题的研究意义 10

    (二)研究的现状和发展趋势 11

    1. 课题的研究现状 11

    2. 课题的研究发展趋势 12

    二、会展对科技信息传播作用分析的调查问卷 12

    (一)调查方法 12

    (二)数据分析方法 12

    1. 交叉分析 13

    (三)样本分布 13

    (四)分析报告 14

    1. 会展活动中会展规模对不同行业企业科技信息传播影响程度分析 14

    2. 会展活动中参展产品对不同行业科技信息传播的影响程度 15

    3. 会展活动中参观人数对不同行业科技信息传播的影响程度 17

    4. 会展活动中政策与制度对不同行业科技信息传播的影响程度 18


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