


    毕业论文关键词:传统对外贸易;  跨境电子商务;  第三方平台;  自建平台

    Abstract Less stable in the global economy today, China as a trading power in recent years, the growth rate of import and export transactions total size continued to decline, the overall development is relatively slow. Meanwhile, with the rapid development of network information technology began cross-border e-commerce show a more important role in global trade. Traditional foreign trade enterprises can take advantage of cross-border electricity supplier model upgrade and expand overseas marketing channels to acquire new profitable growth.

    This paper describes the status of the development of traditional foreign trade and cross-border e-commerce, but also analyzes the foreign trade business development of cross-border electricity providers in two ways, namely through a third party platform and self-built platform. The paper selected two specific cases, the use of PEST environment analysis method described case ambient background to your business, and a detailed analysis of cross-border electricity foreign trade enterprise's development process, and before and after competition based theory of competitive advantage, to obtain relevant Inspiration and put forward specific countermeasures.

    Key words: traditional foreign trade; cross-border electronic commerce; the third party platform; the self-built platform


    一、绪论 5

    1.1研究背景与意义 5

    1.1.1国际贸易的必要性和发展的停滞。 5

    1.1.2跨境电子商务的蓬勃发展。 5

    1.1.3对外贸易企业发展跨境电商模式。 5

    研究意义 5

    1.2研究的主要内容 5

    1.3研究方法和技术路线图 6

    1.3.1研究方法 6

    1.3.2技术路线图 7

    1.4研究创新点 8

    二、文献综述 8

    2.1跨境电子商务介绍 8

    2.2对外贸易企业发展跨境电商 8

    2.3竞争优势理论 9

    三、对外贸易企业发展跨境电子商务现状和方式介绍 10

    3.1对外贸易和跨境电子商务发展现状 10

    3.1.1交易规模和跨境电商交易量所占比重。 11

    3.1.2对外贸易和跨境电商交易规模增长率。 12


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