The thinking about the creativity and innovation of fashion industry based on exhibition
Abstract:Now the fashion industry has been booming in Shanghai and even in China. In Shanghai, the 12th five-year plan of culture creative industry put forward that the fashion industry is one of the major tasks for the development of Shanghai today. In this paper, based on the exhibition and experience fashion show professional learning experiences, research data, and the fashion show in the industrial innovation system theory as the tool, mainly around the clothing accessories, household products and other industries as the core research object. It analyzes the pattern of the industrial innovation system, he horizontal comparison of the fashion industry development present situation at home and abroad and the longitudinal comparison of Shanghai. On the basis of local fashion industry development situation, reviewed the industry innovation and development achievements and existing problems. And, in this article, I will with New York fashion week as the guide. Through the analysis of the previous exhibition, discuss about development choice and future planning of Shanghai fashion show creativity and innovation.
KeyWords: Fashion industry; Fashion show; Innovation; Fashion capital; Shanghai
目 录
一、绪论 1
(一) 研究背景及意义 1
1、研究背景 1
2、研究目的 1
(二) 时尚产业理论研究 2
1、时尚产业概念研究 2
2、时尚产业特征研究 3
3、时尚产业发展现状 4
二、国内外时尚产业创新实践研究 8
(一) 国际时尚产业展会发展现状 8
1、巴黎——时尚花都 8
2、东京——东西交融 9
(二) 时尚产业创新运行模式研究 10
1、国际时尚产业创新运行发展现状 10
2、上海时尚产业创新运行模式研究 11
三、上海时尚产业展会调研及思考 15
(一) 调研报告 15
1、调研数据 15
2、调研结论 17
(二) 上海时尚业展会现状及存在的问题 18
1、上海时尚产业展会发展现状 18
2、上海时尚产业展会存在的问题 19
四、时尚产业展会案例分析——纽约时装周 21
(一) 纽约城市背景 21
(二) 纽约时装周发展历程 21
(三) 纽约时装周创新运行模式 22
1、定位创新 22
2、技术创新 23
3、政策创新 23
五、上海时尚产业展会创新发展路径选择 24
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