    China’s Crude Oil Import and Export Trade Analysis
    Abstract:Under the background of the economic globalization, one of the essential energy which any country need in the process of development is crude oil, known as the blood of industry. For different countries have different kind of geographical environment, they have different development trade oriented. For example, Saudi Arabia, Angola and Iran have rich oil resources, which are export-oriented. However, Japan is the country which is import-oriented. China performed perse kind of trade oriented in different period. China transferred from net import-oriented to net export-oriented, then to net import-oriented, now China is a country import-oriented.
    Since more than 30 years of the reform and opening up, China’s economic has been fast developed. Now, China has become the second largest economy of the world. But with the development of the economy, energy demand and energy consumption has shown the stepwise growth as well as the rate of the dependence on foreign. In addition, the export quantum keeps the pace of decrease largely. The rate of the dependence on foreign rising means that the situation of a country’s social manufacture and energy safety will become more severe. The phenomenon that is more import when price increases and less import when price decreases usually happens in China’s international crude oil trade, which increase the crude oil imported cost. Therefore, since the primary energy has been continuously excavated, the ways to distribute the relationship between imports and exports rationally, to reduce the crude oil imports costs and refined oil production costs, to improve the situation of the rising dependence on foreign are the focuses of China’s crude oil trade.
    This paper will first expound the status of China’s crude oil trade, next analyze the problem existed in the trade on the basis of trade theory and the information of the international oil trade market, then discuss the development strategy on the basis of the problem, lastly look forward to China’s crude oil trade future.
    Key Words: Crude oil; imports; exports; dependence on foreign; persification; trade strategy
    绪论    1
    (一)研究目的    1
    (二)研究意义    1
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