    毕业论文关键词: 广告业;创意产业;展会;创新
    Based on the exhibition of advertising creativity and innovative thinging
    Abstract:  In the good development in the advertising industry situation, to address the concerns of China's advertising industry upgrade has its profound meaning. Advertising is a part of the creative industry, their internal characteristics and properties are the same.Creative industry is the condition of globalization, the demand for entertainment in people's spiritual and cultural consumption era, dominated by Internet in new ways, supported by high-tech technology, with culture and arts and economic comprehensive union for its own characteristics.The advertising and creative industries is the most comprehensive product of economic integration with culture, are based on culture foundation of creation.For the advertising industry show creativity and innovation is a sensibility of the age.This paper is to study the current situation of the advertising industry and exhibition industry innovation ability, 
    mainly explore the creative innovation ability promotion way.A review of the relevant data, through research advertisement exhibition industry and advertising exhibition industry innovation and development achievements at home and abroad and the existing problems; Through the related analysis of real cases, and put forward under the current economic development trend of advertising exhibition industry innovation and development path selection.
    Keywords: advertising;creative industry ;exhibition ;innovation

    一 绪论    7
    (一) 研究目的    7
        (二) 研究意义    8
          1.创意产业对政治方面的意义    9
          2.创意产业对经济方面的意义    10
          3.创意产业对社会方面的意义    10
    二. 广告业创新的国内外研究现状    11
    (一) 国内研究现状    11
    (二) 国外研究现状    11
    三. 广告业展会创新的国内外实践    13
    (一) 国内实践    13
    (二) 国外实践    16
    四. 案例    16
    案例一: 世界广告大会    16
    案例二: 第二十届中国国际广告节的创新创意    18
    五. 广告业展会创新创意的政策建议    19
    (一) 广告业展会创新创意的优劣势    19
    1. 优势    20
    2.劣势    20
    3. 针对广告业展会的劣势分析    21
       (二)广告业展会创新创意未来的趋势走向    22
    一 绪论
    (一) 研究目的
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