    毕业论文关键字: 旅游扎堆;成因分析;疏导策略;层次分析法
    Causal Analysis of the Crowding Phenomenon in Domestic Tourism Market and its Dredge Strategies Research
    Abstract:Along with the expanded scale of tourism and tourist activities, tourism becomes more and more complicated, it appeared all the negative impact of tourism is growing, one of the most significant tourist clusters which have.Current fixed-time surge in tourist numbers in just a few spots only appear in our country, there are few examples we can learn from abroad, and this phenomenon involves mostly dominated by news or celebrity interviews, emerging in recent years because it is so relevant measures and policies is debatable.As the fuses student and take advantage of professional knowledge and analysis during the small holiday view problem of contradiction, do some research and try to solve the problem is still very worthwhile.Clumped together or small in view of the golden week holiday tourism market problems, use information management technologies seek out the causes of this phenomenon and contradictory points, elected to optional programmes to address the problems and determine the reasonableness of positive ease the contradiction of improving domestic tourism market focus may end up the domestic tourism market to develop in a more healthy and positive direction.
    Keywords: Tourism Cluster; Golden Week; holiday; Information switching; Instant messaging
     目  录
    第一章  旅游业的发展历程、现状及特点    1
    (一) 国内外旅游业的发展历程    1
    1、 国外旅游业发展历程    1
    2、 我国旅游业的发展历程    2
    (二) 国内外旅游业的发展现状    2
    1、 国外旅游业的发展现状    2
    2、 国内旅游业的发展现状    3
    (三) 我国旅游业的特点    3
    第二章  国内消费者旅游选择行为的影响因素分析    5
    (一) 影响国内旅游市场的积极因素    5
    1、 稳定的政治局势    5
    2、 信息技术带来的力量    5
    3、 节庆会展孕育新商机    5
    4、 旅游企业的创新发展    6
    (二) 影响国内旅游市场的消极因素    6
    1、 不可抗力事件的发生    6
    2、 旅游资源的不合理开发    7
    3、 旅游监管体系不完善    7
    4、 旅游设施与服务的不到位    7
    5、 旅游时间固定化    7
    (三) 造成我国旅游市场扎堆现象因素分析    7
    第三章  基于层次分析法的国内旅游市场扎堆现象成因分析    9
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