    关键词  农村信用社  股份制改革  经营业绩
    Title   Reflections on some problems about improving the system reform and strengthening management of rural credit cooperatives                    
    Due to keep deepening reform and strengthening risk management since its inception in the 1950s, rural credit cooperatives gradually enter into a healthy development track. However, historical issues, the non-thoroughness of reform, coupled with their own reasons, caused China's rural credit cooperatives still face many problems. For example, low risk control ability, weak competitiveness, market position deviating from "three rural" and so on. Therefore, a comprehensive exploration about the deepening reform of rural credit cooperatives is necessary, it can help rural credit cooperatives provide financial security for the rapid development of the rural economy. This article first introduces the research background and significance of rural credit cooperatives’ system reform and strengthening management, and research status at home and abroad will be described. Then introducing the development process and existing problem of China's rural credit cooperatives, and the joint-stock commercial bank reform of rural credit cooperatives in Hunan Province will be used as a case. Finally, the article will try to give some suggestions for the joint-stock commercial bank reform of rural credit cooperatives.
    Keywords rural credit cooperatives  joint-stock system  reform    operating performance
     目    录
    1    引言    1
    1.1    选题背景及意义    1
    1.2    国内外文献综述    1
    1.2.1国内相关研究    2
    1.2.2国外相关研究    3
    1.3    本文的研究内容与研究方法    4
    1.3.1 本文的研究内容    4
    1.3.2 本文的研究方法    4
    2    我国农村信用社的发展过程和存在的问题    5
    2.1 对我国农村信用社改革历史的回顾    5
    2.2我国农村信用社当前存在的问题    6
    2.2.1 盈利性目标与支农性目标存在矛盾    6
    2.2.2 历史包袱化解困难重    7
    2.2.3 服务功能不完善,缺乏竞争力    7
    3 湖南省农村信用社的发展与股份制改革    8
    3.1湖南省农村信用社的发展现状    8
    3.2湖南省农村商业银行的建立和效果评价    9
    3.2.1 湖南省农村商业银行的建立    9
    3.2.2 湖南省农村商业银行取得的阶段性成果    9
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