    Research On the Existing Problems and Solutions of Precision Poverty Alleviation in China
    Abstract:Precision of poverty alleviation is a significant transformation of the strategy of poverty alleviation and development in new period, and is the inevitable requirement of our country poverty alleviation and development work, but the accuracy of poverty alleviation in the actual execution exists many problems or difficulties, under various challenges in the implementation process. Especially because of the nature, society, resource, population quality aspects of reasons, lead to accurate reach targets for poverty alleviation. This article expounds the connotation of precise ideas for poverty alleviation, precise meaning, and the reason of poverty alleviation scientific precision is analyzed the problems existing in the implementation process and the reality of poverty reduction policy, summarizes the current poverty alleviation and development in our country faces major challenges, from "accurate identification and accurate support and accurate management" three aspects analysis precision problems or difficulties for poverty alleviation, and put forward the corresponding countermeasures, aiming at the government and social organizations precision smoothly effective Suggestions for poverty alleviation.
    Key words: precision poverty alleviation; path selection; existing problems
    目  录

    摘要    1
    关键词    1
    Abstract    1
    Key words    1
    一、引言    1
    (一)精准扶贫的研究背景    1
    (二)研究目的与意义    2
    二、 文献综述    2
    (一)贫困基本问题研究    2
    (二)精准扶贫的瞄准机制    3
    (三)国内外精准扶贫的模式与途径    3
    1.国内精准扶贫模式与途径    3
    2.国外精准扶贫模式与途径    4
    三、我国精准扶贫的现状分析    4
    (一)扶贫实践现状    4
    (二) 数据处理与分析    5
    1. 单个多元回归模型    5
    2. 多个一元回归模型    6
    四、精准扶贫存在问题及其成因分析    8
    (一)存在问题    8
    1.精准识别的技术困境    8
    2.贫困群众的思想观念陈旧,参与精准识别的积极性不高    8
    3.扶贫资源匮乏资金短缺,驻村工作开展困难    8
    4.返贫现象突出,贫困村造血功能不足,精神扶贫关注低    8
    (二)成因分析    9
    1.精准识别方法不科学    9
    2.贫困户缺乏正确帮扶意识,劳动力外移,缺乏人力资源保障    9
    3.扶贫成本增加资源有限,扶贫政策存在制度缺陷    9
    4.结构性成因导致返贫现象严重    9
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