    Modification and application of Piotroski multi factor stock selection model in Chinese stock market
    Abstract:Since the rise of the concept of quantitative investment,quantitative investment in China's securities industry has aroused great concern.Quantitative stock selection is one of the most important investment strategies in the quantitative investment. The multi factor stock selection is the core of the quantitative stock selection. The subject of investment varieties constantly,increase the number of Listed Companies in the stock market, has become an essential quantitative investment philosophy, theoretical system so it is necessary to establish a scientific and reasonable multi factor selection, to ensure the return of investment strategies. Piotroski model is a good model has been verified in the foreign market, there is considerable value in the China stock market,combined with the characteristics of the stock market is expected to be amended China may also gain more obvious effect.
    Key words:Piotroski pricing model; multi factor ;modification
    目  录
    摘要    1
    关键词    1
    Abstract    1
    Key words    1
    一、 引言    1
    二、文献综述    2
    (一)国外研究现状    2
    (二)国内研究现状    2
    (三)评述    2
    三、相关理论概述    3
    (一)多因子量化选股模型    3
    (二) 备选因子处理    3
    1.备选因子的选取    3
    2.备选因子有效性检测    3
    (三) 模型的建立与选股    3
    1.因子排序得分    3
    2.组合股票个数选择    4
    3.选股模型的建立    4
    (四) 多因子量化选股模型的绩效评价    4
    1.市场基准选取    4
    2.无风险利率    4
    3.收益率评价指标    4
    4.风险度评价指标    4
    四、 数据的选取与预处理    4
    (一)样本的选取    4
    (二)数据的说明    5
    (三)数据期限的选取    5
    (四)本文所使用到的相关软件    5
    五、基于我国股票市场的实证分析    5
    (一)备选因子的选取    5
    (二)备选因子有效性检验    5
    (三)多因子量化选股模型的建立和选股    7
    1.组合股票个数的选择    7
    2.Piotroski选股模型    7
    3.因子替换模型    8
    4.权重替换模型    8
    (四)模型对比分析    9
    1.组合的相关性分析    10
    2.风险收益特征比较    10
    751、结论与启示    11
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