    毕业论文关键词: 经济危机;外贸企业;羊绒制品
    ABSTRACT The outbreak of the crisis in the United States is from the virtual economy to the real economy, and quickly extended to all parts of the world, triggered a global economic crisis. It has a huge impact on China's foreign trade. Due to the depression of the international market, the world economy continues to decline. Countries have adopted various trade protection policies to protect their own interests. With the emergence of various trade barriers, frequent trade friction, the deterioration of the situation of China's foreign trade enterprises. In this case, the foreign trade enterprises in order to survive, the urgent need for transformation, adjust the development model of foreign trade enterprises, the development of the strategy to promote the sustainable development of foreign trade enterprises.
    The study first analyzes the background of the economic crisis, to explore the impact of economic crisis on China's foreign trade enterprises, and found that China's foreign trade enterprises are facing various problems. According to analyses the reasons for the difficulties facing, by referring to the foreign trade enterprise development mode, draw lessons from foreign enterprise solution for the difficulties presented by; in Inner Mongolia Odors Cashmere Products Co., Ltd. as an example of specific analysis, China's foreign trade enterprises put forward to the strategy of sustainable development.
    Key words: economic crisis;foreign trade enterprises ;Cashmere Products
    目  录
    第一章  绪论    1
    1.1研究背景    1
    1.2研究目的及意义    1
    1.3研究方法和思路    1
    第二章  国际经济危机下我国外贸企业的现状    3
    2.1国际经济危机下我国外贸企业的现状    3
    2.2外贸企业出现问题的原因分析    5
    第三章  我国外贸企业可持续性发展战略分析    6
    3.1 可持续发展的内涵    6
    3.2 国外外贸企业的发展借鉴    6
    3.3 中国外贸行业的优劣势分析    7
    3.4 我国外贸企业可持续性发展战略    8
    第四章  鄂尔多斯羊绒制品公司案例分析    11
    4.1 鄂尔多斯羊绒制品公司简介    11
    4.2 羊绒行业目前的现状和面临的问题    11
    4.3 经济危机下采取的可持续性发展战略    13
    第五章  总结    15
    结束语    16
    致  谢    17
    参考文献    18
    第一章  绪论
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