    关键词  收入差距   金融发展规模   金融发展效率
    Title  The Impact of Financial Development on The Regional Income Gap Between The Eest and The West                        
    Chinese economy over the years to maintain sustained growth trend, But with the rapid economic development of chinese regional income disparity is more and more outstanding, Especially ,The income gap between the eastern region and western region residents in china every year to expand. This paper describes the economics and finance theory, and summarizes the domestic and foreign researchers: The relationship between financial development and income gap there are three main views: inverted "U" relationship, positive correlation, negative correlation. This paper first analyzes the impact of financial development on the path of the income gap, which laid the foundation for the next empirical analysis.
      In the process of research, The financial development into the scale of financial development and efficiency of financial development indicators,and With two control variables, use the dat of Jiangsu province and the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region  in 1993-2012 to regression. The study show that: Financial development gap will enlarge the regional income gap between the east and the west, The scale of investment gap and a year income gap will expand the income gap, To reduce the disparity of financial development can effectively narrow the income gap. Finally summarized the views and put forward relevant proposals.
    Keywords  Income Gap  Scale of Financial Development  Efficient of Financial Development 
     目   次
    1  引言  1
    1.1  研究背景与意义  1
    1.2  金融发展对收入差距影响国内外相关研究  1
    1.3  本文研究方法和思路  2
    2  金融发展对收入差距影响理论研究  4
    2.1  金融发展对收入差距影响的三种观点 4
    2.2  三种观点与我国东西部地区收入差距问题  5
    3  金融发展对东西部地区收入差距的影响及作用机制  6
    3.1 金融发展现状分析 6
    3.2 东西部地区收入差距现状分析 8
    3.3金融发展对东西部地区收入差距的影响和作用机制  9
    3.4 金融发展对东西部地区收入差距影响的路径分析 10
    4  金融发展对东西部地区收入差距影响的实证分析 11
    4.1指标的选取和数据说明 11
    4.2模型的建立和实证研究 14
    5  相关建议 17
    结论  18
    致谢  19
    参考文献  20
    1  引言
    1.1  研究背景与意义
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