    关键词  非洲 直接投资 中国企业 投资策略
    Title    The analysis of the current situation and the prospect of Chinese FDI in Africa                                                 
      Since the "going out" strategy implemented in March 2000 by the third session of the Ninth National People's Congress, the cooperation between China and Africa is increasingly deep. Because of  the lack of domestic resources and energy, some sectors of the domestic market approaching saturation and other issues like the adjustment of industrial structure, more and more Chinese enterprises begin to direct investment in Africa.
      In this paper, starting from the theoretical study, based on the theory and practice of domestic and foreign direct investment enterprises, analysis the relate theoretical foundation of Chinese direct investment enterprises in Africa, including Chinese direct investment in Africa overall situation and trend in recent year.Through the analysis of the situation of Chinese enterprises' direct investment in Africa, we find out the existing problems and forecast the investment prospects of Chinese enterprises in Africa.
    Keywords  Africa;FDI;Chinese enterprises;investment strategy
    目   次
    1  绪论 1
    1.1  研究背景 1
      1.2  研究的思路及方法 1
    1.3  国内外研究现状 2
    1.3.1  国外研究现状 2
    1.3.2  国内研究现状 2
    1.4  中国企业对非洲直接投资的相关理论分析 3
    1.4.1 传统理论3
    1.4.2 发展中国家对外直接投资理论4
    2  中国企业对非洲直接投资的发展历程及现状6
    2.1  中国企业对非洲直接投资的发展历程6
    2.1.1  起步阶段6
    2.1.2  稳定发展阶段6
    2.1.3  高速发展阶段6
    2.2  中国企业对非洲直接投资的现状分析6
    2.2.1  投资增长速度6
    2.2.2  投资国家分布 7
    2.2.3  投资产业分布 8
    2.2.4  投资主体构成 9
    2.2.5  投资经营模式 10
    3  中国企业对非洲直接投资的动机分析13
    3.1  开发非洲的自然资源 13
    3.2  获取庞大的非洲市场 13
    3.3  降低运营成本14
    4  中国企业对非洲直接投资存在的问题14
    4.1  非洲本土问题14
    4.1.1  基础设施落后14
    4.1.2  政治环境动荡15
    4.1.3  社会环境复杂15
    4.1.4  劳动力素质低下15
    4.2 企业自身问题16
    4.2.1  投资结构不合理16
    4.2.2  投资先期研究不足16
    4.2.3  跨国经营能力有限16
    4.2.4  自主创新能力缺乏17
    5  中国企业对非洲直接投资的前景分析17
    5.1  中国企业对非洲建筑业的直接投资17
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