    Sino-US textile trade friction causes and countermeasures
    Abstract:With the development of Sino-US economic and trade relations,the trade friction events are also increasing. Such as textile trade friction, market access issues, anti-dumping issues, intellectual property issues, the RMB exchange rate issues, China's MFN status issues, and so on. Among these trade frictions, textile trade friction is the typical. The textile and garment industry is China’s traditional industry, and is also a pillar industry of China's export. Therefore, the textile and garment export is extremely important to China, while the United States is a major export market for China's textile. As the large numbers of textile products are constantly exported to the United States and other developed countries, it aroused a strong reaction in the local. They think that the entry of cheap Chinese textiles makes a great influence on their own country’s same industry. And in order to protect their own country’s textile products, they have set up numerous barriers and restrictions, or even lift the anti-dumping proceedings to Chinese textile products.
    This paper firstly introduces the development status of China's textile trade and analysis the advantages of China’s textile trade, and then slightly introduce the development of the textile industry in the United States, thirdly describes the Sino-US textile trade friction and analysis the reasons, and finally based on the results of the analysis put forward the reasonable countermeasures to deal with Sino-US textile trade friction.
    KeyWords: China; America; Trade friction; Solution
    目  录
    一、绪论    1
    (一)研究背景    1
    (二)研究目的和意义    1
    (三)研究现状分析    2
    二、中国纺织品对美贸易现状    4
    (一) 中国纺织品贸易出口现状    4
    (二) 中美纺织品贸易摩擦概况    6
    1、历年来中美纺织品贸易摩擦案例    6
    2、 危机前后中美纺织品贸易摩擦特点分析    8
    三、中美纺织品贸易摩擦原因    9
    (一) 外部原因    9
    1、贸易自由化和经济全球化的发展    9
    2、经济发展不平衡造成美国贸易保护主义抬头    9
    3、政治因素引发的贸易摩擦    9
    4、世界贸易组织例外条款的模糊性以及争端解决机制的缺陷    9
    5、配额取消后的低价竞争    10
    (二) 内部原因    10
    1、中国纺织企业缺乏技术创新能力,且技术标准较低    10
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