    毕业论文关键词:房地产上市公司 资本结构 经营绩效
    The Empirical Study of the Relationship between Capital Structure and Business Performance about China's Real Estate
    Listed Companies
    Abstract:This paper is based on previous research to 2012, 2013, 2014 data as the foundation,I use the canonical correlation analysis method to study the real estate business performance of listed companies and corporate structure, the relationship between the following conclusions are drawn: net profit margin and the ratio of the first largest shareholder is positively correlated in a certain range, the relationship between net profit margin and the percentage of state shares, and asset-liability ratio within a certain range there is negative correlation relationship. And empirical analysis, empirical analysis is put forward to further improve the performance of listed companies, real estate and relevant laws and regulations construction, the government should perfect system and pay attention to institutional investors, the company should optimize equity structure, and improve the internal governance mechanism.
    Key Words:Real estate listed companies,  Capital structure,  Business performance
    目 录
    一、绪论    - 1 -
    (一)选题背景    - 1 -
    (二)选题意义    - 1 -
    (三)文献综述    - 2 -
    (四)研究方法和主要内容    - 3 -
    二、我国房地产业上市公司的资本结构与经营绩效现状    - 4 -
    (一)房地产上市公司概述    - 5 -
    (二)房地产上市公司资产负债率    - 6 -
    (三)我国房地产上市公司股东权益比率    - 7 -
    (四)我国房地产上市公司股权结构    - 9 -
    (五)我国房地产上市公司经营业绩    - 10 -
    三、我国房地产公开公司资本结构与经营绩效关系的实证分析    - 11 -
    (一)样本的选择和模型的构建      - 11 -
    (二)实证结果及分析    - 14 -
    四、建议    - 17 -
    (一)政府应完善金融体制    - 18 -
    (二)政府应完善相关法律    - 18 -
    (三)优化股权结构    - 19 -
    (四)公司应完善治理结构    - 19 -
    (五)注重发展机构投资    - 19 -
    参考文献    - 1 -
    附录 1    - 3 -
    附录 2    - 6 -
    附录 3    - 9 -
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