    毕业论文关键词:商业银行 小额贷款 政策引导
    The Development of Small Loan Business for Commercial Banks and Policy Guidance
    Abstract: At present, our country each big commercial bank to develop new financial products, including the most popular small loan business. It has become a new force to promote the development of the financial sector. Our country is not developed country, according to the national condition, our country has a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises, and the development of these enterprises on our country's economy has to be reckoned with. In recent years, due to the small and medium-sized enterprise financing difficulties, students take the initiative to venture capital, the farmer's production and operation greatly increased the demand for small loan business. At the beginning of the small loan business, because commercial Banks loan conditions is harsh, microcredit demanders hard bank approved conditions, so it is difficult to get loans of commercial Banks. The existence of this phenomenon makes the small and medium-sized enterprise financing difficult problem is still not effectively resolved. This paper argues that one of the effective ways to alleviate the dilemma is the development of small loan business. First, commercial Banks develop micro-credit business is beneficial to develop the potential market, as a new profit source of income; the bank Second, to carry out the small loans business can be quickly and effectively ease the financing difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprises.
    Key Words:Commercial bank,  Microfinance,  Policy
    目 录
    一、引言    1
    (一)研究背景和意义    1
    (二)研究现状综述    2
    1.国外研究现状    2
    2.国内研究现状    4
    二、商业银行开展小额贷款业务的必要性    5
    (一)金融非中介化压缩贷款市场    5
    (二)外资银行的进入加剧传统贷款市场的竞争    6
    (三)资金周转过渡加大了银行拓展贷款业务的压力    6
    (四)巨大的小额贷款需求    7
    三、商业银行小额贷款业务存在的问题    8
    (一)小额贷款理念过于传统    8
    (二)贷款对象定位不准确    8
    (三)风险防范方法单一    9
    (四)贷款利率定价机制不完善    10
    四、商业银行小额贷款业务的政策引导    11
    (一)转变小额贷款理念    11
    (二)扩展贷款对象定位    11
    (三)增加风险防范方法    12
    (四)健全和完善小额贷款利率定价机制    12
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