    毕业论文关键词:农村电子商务  发展策略  农产品  销售模式
     Rural Development Strategy of E-commerce
    Abstract: With the development, scientific and technological progress, society has entered the Internet age. With the development of the Internet, e-commerce is also developing rapidly, and changed the way people live. Whether basic necessities, or entertainment, e-commerce in a great impact on people's lives, but also changed people's consumption habits and payment habits. People from the original store consumption, gradually accustomed to online shopping, and the accelerated pace of life, people started getting popular and convenient online shopping, saving time and relatively affordable price. Through online banking or PayPal this payment, so that people realize the amount of payments and transfers anytime, anywhere. Since 2000, China has been building a new socialist countryside, the urbanization process, and therefore also by the rise of e-commerce in rural areas. Due to the continuous development of the rural economy, farmers have some spending power and desire for consumption, farmers have learned a lot of online shopping, so rural e-commerce should get more attention, but in rural areas in the development process of e-commerce presence there a lot of problems, so the process of development of rural e-commerce, you should choose the right path, choosing the right e-commerce platform to promote our country better and faster development of rural e-commerce, accelerate the construction of new socialist countryside.
    Key Words:rural e-commerce,  Development Strategy,  agricultural products, sales model
    目 录
    一、引言    2
    (一)研究背景    2
    (二)研究意义    3
    (三)研究目的    5
    二、中国电子商务发展现状    5
    (一)中国电子商务现状概述    5
    (二)城市电子商务发展概况    8
    (三)农村电子商务发展概况    8
    三、农村电子商务发展存在的问题    10
    (一)农村基础设施建设先天不足    10
    (二)农民对电子商务缺乏认识    11
    (三)农产品的销售不适用于电子商务    11
    (四)农产品的物流系统发展滞后    11
    (五)电子商务的金融支付手段在农村不够普及    12
    (751)农村缺少电子商务人才    12
    四、农村电子商务发展对策    13
    (一)政府推动    13
    (二)选择合适的销售模式    13
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