毕业论文关键词:财产保险 经营风险 风险防范
Research on the Control of Operational Risks in Property Companies——take PICC as an example
Abstract: With the rapid development of China's economic and social, Property market is becoming more and more competent. Property company of business risk prevention has also become academic research hot spot. On the existing research results, the article explains the development of property insurance and management factors. Then from the micro perspective, we can understand the problems in the process of operation through the company operating situation of PICC. The analysis results show that the PICC has competition risk, violate compasses operation risk, agency risk and asset structure risk. The article put forward some effective countermeasures. Firstly,setting up scientific mechanism of insurance business to prevent vicious competition.Secondly,increasing the intensity of the staff re-education to reduce artificial operation risk.Thirdly,improving the communication channels to make information flows.Lastly, strengthening the management of assets structure construction to make investments safety. This article promotes the concept of risk prevention through various aspects ,and meets the needs of property insurance company to risk management and perfecting the system of property insurance.
Key Words:property insurance company,operational risk, risk prevention
目 录
一、绪论 - 1 -
(一)研究背景 - 1 -
(二)研究目的和意义 - 1 -
(三)研究方法和内容 - 2 -
二、我国财产保险公司经营及风险的概述 - 2 -
(一)相关概念的界定 - 2 -
(二)我国财产保险业的发展历程及现状 - 3 -
(三)影响我国财产保险公司经营风险的因素 - 5 -
(四)财产保险公司经营风险管理的必要性 - 8 -
三、人保财险基本情况 - 9 -
(一)公司简介 - 9 -
(二)公司的组织机构设置 - 9 -
(三)人保财险的经营现状 - 10 -
四、人保财险经营中的风险分析 - 11 -
(一)恶性竞争风险 - 11 -
(二)违规操作风险 - 12 -
(三)代理制度风险 - 14 -
(四)资产结构风险 - 15 -
五、完善人保财险经营风险的有效对策 - 16 -
(一)建立科学保险经营机制,防范恶性竞争危害 - 16 -
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