

    毕业论文关键词 :商业银行,理财产品,收益与风险


          毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title  :Analysis on the revenue and risks of Commercial bank’s financial products                                                         


    Nowadays, China is facing the pressure of inflation, the people do have more and more money, but it is more and more worthless. Facing with the negative real interest rates of bank deposit, the house prices that are in the doldrums and the stock market ups and downs, more and more people began to establish concepts of the financial management. Most people began to turn their attention to bank’s reliable investment products or guaranteed personal financial products. Since 2004, China's financial products began to emerge. The types, numbers and sizes of funds are in the rapid expansion. However, Chinese commercial banks’ financial products are also reflected the exposure of risks and imperfections. The purpose of this thesis is to understand the basic concepts of financial products for Chinese commercial banks, to carry out several types of financial products into subtotals and to compare their respective characteristics. Then further empirical analysis is to discover their benefits and characteristics of risks and influencing factors for the majority of inpidual investors to provide analysis on the finance and investment decision, and also for investors to make recommendations on how to properly avoid risks.

    Keywords:Commercial bank   Financial products   Benefits and risks

    目 录

    1. 引言 2

    1.1 研究背景 2

    1.2 研究意义及论文结构 2

    2. 文献回顾 3

    2.1 银行理财产品的基本概念 3

    2.2 银行理财产品现状 3

    2.3 对于银行理财产品的理论研究 4

    2.4 理财产品的风险评估 5

    3. 商业银行理财产品的发展及分类 5

    3.1 商业银行理财产品的发展历程 5

    3.2 商业银行理财产品的分类 6

    4.  商业银行理财产品危机频发... 9

    4.1  “资金池”理财业务违规屡禁不止 9

    4.2  大型商业银行产品也出现亏损 9

    4.3  银行工作人员违规操作擅自兜售私单

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