    摘要:对国际发达国家而言,投资银行是其资本市场的核心,是资本市场的媒介,是资本运营的枢纽,同时其也推动者金融工具的创新。世界金融市场不断发展发展,金融环境日新月异,我国金融体制也随之不断发生变革。投资银行在国际金融市场上有着举足轻重的地位,属于金融市场的中坚力量。我国投资银行的发展仍处于起步阶段,其业务的发展,与西方发达国家投资银行的在进程上存在着一定的距离。本文主要立足于现阶段我国投资银行发展状况研究我国投资银行未来的走向趋势。首先,仔细地论述投资银行在我国市场经济中的地位;其次,从现阶段我国投资银行现有问题和现行解决方案探讨我国投资银行的目前发展状况;再次,放眼国际投资银行的经营模式,总结汲取国际投资银行的发展经验;最后,力图探究我国当前金融体制改革创新以及发展趋势,尝试提出我国投资银行未来发展的走向趋势。 29671
    Analyses on the Development of Investment Bank in China
    Abstract:Investment bank is the core of the capital market in the developed market economic country. Investment bank is considered as the intermediary for the capital market and the hub of the working capital. The development of the investment bank  promotes the innovation of the financial instruments effectively. With the changes of world's financial environment, our country’s financial system is also in the in-depth reform. The investment bank is the backbone of the financial market and plays an important role in international financial markets. The development of Chinese investment banking business is still at an initial stage, the development of its business; there exist a certain gap compared with western countries. The article is a study about investment bank’s development prospects which based on the development of Chinese present investment bank. First of all, expounds the role of investment banks in our market economy in detail; second, the article describes the current situation of the development of Chinese investment Banks from problems and the current solutions; besides, With the development of international investment bank model, analyzing and using the experience of the development of international investment bank; at last, trying to analyze our country’s present financial system reform and innovation, and developing trends, tentatively puts forward the possibility of development of China's investment bank.                                  
    Key words:Investment Bank;Business Model; Development Experience; Reference
    一、引言    1
    (一)选题意义和背景    2
    (二)文献综述    2
    (三)本文的研究内容和方法    4
    二、投资银行在我国经济中作用    5
    (一)投资银行的界定    5
    (二)投资银行在我国经济中的作用    5
    三、我国投资银行发展    7
    (一)我国投资银行的发展    7
    (二)我国投资银行现存问题    8
    四、国际投资银行发展模式的经验启示    10
    (一)国外投资银行发展    10
    (二)国际投资银行发展经验总结    14
    (三)我国投资银行发展借鉴    15
    五、我国投资银行发展趋势及对策    17
    (一)我国投资银行发展趋势    17
    (二) 我国投资银行发展建议和对策    19
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