    毕业论文关键词:互联网金融 商业银行  挑战  策略
    Internet Financial Times the Challenge for the Commercial Banks and Coping Strategies
    Abstract: Recent years, mobile payment, social networks, data, cloud computing, and the major search engines such as a new generation of Internet technology is gradually into the public eye. Internet financial enterprises to use the new generation of Internet technology service to the traditional financial sector, everyone is borrowed, third-party payment mechanism, the suggests, financial data and other big emerging Internet financial models, this poses a great challenge to the development of commercial Banks.
    In this context, this paper defined the concept of the Internet financial, simply introduces the characteristics and the development of the Internet financial four main modes: everyone is borrowed, third-party payment institution, all the suggests and big financial data. Respectively expounds on the Internet the financial mode of commercial bank faces opportunity and challenge, and combined with the present development status of commercial Banks, to design suitable for the innovation of the commercial Banks can take in the future development strategy, to strive for the commercial Banks and Internet financial win-win situation.
    Key Words:internet financial,  commercial Banks,  challenge,  coping strategies
    一、引言    - 1 -
    (一)研究背景和意义    - 1 -
    (二)研究现状综述    - 1 -
    二、 互联网金融的基本概述    - 3 -
    (一)互联网金融的概念界定    - 3 -
    (二)互联网金融的特征    - 3 -
    1.支付更为方便快捷    - 4 -
    2.信息处理和交易成本更低    - 4 -
    3.资源配置效率更高    - 5 -
    4.资源配置去中介化    - 5 -
    三、互联网金融的发展模式    - 6 -
    (一)人人贷    - 6 -
    (二)第三方支付机构    - 6 -
    (三)众筹融资    - 7 -
    (四)大数据金融    - 7 -
    四、互联网金融给商业银行发展带来的机遇    - 7 -
    (一)降低经营成本,提高银行盈利能力    - 7 -
    (二)充实客户资源    - 8 -
    (三)完善银行客户信用评价体系    - 9 -
    (四)有利于服务创新,向客户提供个性化、高质量服务    - 9 -
    五、互联网金融给商业银行发展带来的挑战    - 10 -
    (一)冲击商业银行金融支付中介地位    - 10 -
    (二)挤占商业银行中间业务,收入来源受到冲击    - 10 -
    (三)商业银行的信贷业务受到互联网金融借贷模式的挑战    - 11 -
    (四)商业银行缺乏熟练运用互联网金融技术的人才    - 12 -
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