    毕业论文关键词:农产品出口   通货膨胀   绿色贸易壁垒  人民币升值   提高竞争力
     Evaluation of the competitiveness of China's agricultural products and demonstration analysis
    Abstract:With the continuous development of world economy, the world has the trend of trade liberalization, the international competitiveness is not high China agricultural products has been hitherto unknown challenge in international trade, WTO advocated free trade policy will have a great effect on our national economy, even in the short term will form a huge impacton the part of the weak industry in China, agriculture has been the focus of concern,considering the huge gap between the international competitiveness of main agricultural products in China on various, this general introduction of China's agricultural products export situation, export of agricultural products in China's competitive advantages and disadvantages, and the countermeasures.
    China is a large agricultural country,agricultural product management is directly related to the vital interests of farmers, farmer snot only relates to employment, family income, but also related to the national economic growth, social harmony and stability and so on the macroscopic aspect, therefore, the trade of agricultural products is of great significance to. In recent years there has been a series of problems Chinese the export trade of agricultural products, has attracted more and more attention, and China as a big country of trade in agricultural products, and agricultural products trade dispute more countries, agricultural products trade is more China emerging.Since its accession to the WTO, the sustained growth of China's agricultural products export trade, but at present there are a series of factors, which seriously restricts the sustainable development of export trade of agricultural products Chinese. If the renminbi appreciation,inflation, green trade barrier measures to restrict the export of agricultural products and other internal and external problems. China's agricultural trade deficit has continued to expand trend. This paper will start from the influence of the above three aspects of China export trade of agricultural products, combined with some data analysis on the export of agricultural products in China and the restricting factors, and puts forward some China how to export trade of agricultural products to overcome the existing problems, improve the international competitiveness of China's agricultural products, effective measures to promote the development of our export trade China's agricultural products.
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