    毕业论文关键词:股价波动 宏观因素 微观因素
     An Empirical Analysis of Factors Affecting the stock price volatility
    Abstract:Nowadays,China's economic growth mode transformation is being underway, the main task at the present stage of economic development is to adjust the economic structure and transform the economic growth mode. In this particular historical period, the urgent need for providing services to the real economy is to develop China’s stock market, however, the China’s stock market’s set-up time is short , the stock market mechanism is being in perfect stage, all its function has great limitations and can not effectively play the resource allocation function.The development of the stock market run out of touch with the economic and the stock's long bear trend with cow short,so, the majority of investors, especially retail investors’ reasonable return is not guaranteed. Therefore, there is a great significance of economic development to study  the main factors affecting the share price systematically and then reform,also,to study the main affecting factors is conducive to preventive measures and further promote the stable and healthy development of China's stock market.
    In this paper, we use theoretical discipline finance, investment, statistics and econometrics as a guide, using the latest statistical data, studying the main internal and external factors related to stock market volatility.Firstly,This paper reviews the research achievements at home and abroad in recent years about the macroeconomic factors, microeconomic factors and stock market volatility mutual relations. On this basis, we find the main factors of both macro and micro, macro factors we identified is the main macroeconomic situation, macroeconomic policy factors as well as the stock market factors, factors identified microscopic aspects of our stock of is the issuing company operating conditions ,the company's capital structure and scale and the pidend policy. Then, mainly using  Eviews7.0, excel to do empirical analysis about macro and micro aspects. Macro level, the dependent variable selected is the Shanghai Composite Index, there are 10 explanatory variables, and ultimately determine the growth rate of industrial added value, China's consumer price index, interest rates, stock market turnover and the M1 five variables, we found the stock market Volume biggest impact on the stock price is volatility, and influence of the trading volume on stock prices should not be underestimated, also confirmed the price rise with the amount of the sentence, the growth rate of industrial added value of the minimum impact on the stock price volatility, indicating the level of output impact on stock prices effect is not large, China's economic development and volatility synchronicity is not very strong. The micro level, we randomly selected 120 listed companies from various industries as research objects and selected 2006--2014 year data for the reference, explanatory variables determine the share price, the pidend per share for the explanatory variables, current ratio, return on assets and assets debt ratio, empirical analysis using panel data model. Finally, we recommend appropriate policy recommendations based on research done in front.
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