摘 要:初中生正是青少年长身体的重要时期,但有很多的初学生中却出现了:不吃早餐、不爱运动、饭菜荤素搭配不合理等不良健康习惯,如果没有正确的引导,就会导致初学生体质下降,身体发育、学习等方面都会受到不良影响。为了了解初中学生对营养健康问题的认识和理解,改变日常生活中对营养健康的错误的观念和不良的生活习惯,并通过生物学教学渗透营养健康相关知识,改善学生自身营养健康状况,为更好的学习生活打下坚实的基础。本研究主要采用文献研究、调查研究、课堂实验等研究方法。从理论和实践两方面,对初中生物学教学中渗透营养健康教育的方式方法进行探讨。结合现代初中生所面临的营养健康方面的问题,深刻挖掘生物教材中的有关营养健康教育的渗透点,在课内课外积极渗透健康教育。调查研究结果显示:很多学生在营养健康观念方面存在问题,比如不吃早餐的人占31.5%;挑食、偏食人数占10.9%,经常吃垃圾食品的人数占46.5%;合理膳食人数占29.6%;说明多数学生在营养健康方面存在一些错误的认识,在初中生物教学中渗透营养健康知识,使学生养成良好的营养健康习惯,注重营养均衡,合理膳食是非常必要的。36155
Research in the teaching of Junior high school biology nutrition and health
Abstract:It is an important period for junior high school teenagers length of the body,But there are a lot of students have emerged early: do not eat breakfast, do not love sports, cooking meat and vegetables with unreasonable adverse health habits,Without proper guidance, it will lead to early student physical decline, physical development, learning and other aspects will be adversely affected.In order to understand junior high school students 'nutrition and health awareness and understanding, changing everyday misconceptions and bad habits of nutrition and health, and biology teaching permeate through the knowledge of nutrition and health, to improve students' nutrition and health status, as more good learning life lay a solid foundation.In this study, using literature research, research, classroom experiments and other research methods.From the theoretical and practical aspects of teaching junior high school biology infiltrate nutrition and health education to discuss ways and means.Combining nutritional health problems faced by modern junior high school students, to dig deep in the biology textbooks on nutrition health education for points Infiltrated health education in curricular and extracurricular.Survey results show that: the presence of many students in the concepts of nutrition and health problems, such as people who eat breakfast accounted for 31.5%; picky eaters, the partial eclipse accounted 10.9%, the number of regular eating junk food accounted for 46.5%; reasonable diet accounted 29.6%;Description Most students know there are some errors in terms of nutrition and health, nutrition and health knowledge penetration in junior high school biology teaching, so that students develop good nutrition and health habits, focusing on nutritionally balanced, reasonable diet is very necessary.
Key words: Middle school students;Biology Teaching;Penetration;Nutrition and Health
目 录
摘 要 1
引言 1
1 基本概念的涵义 3
2 中学生营养健康的标准 3
2.1平衡营养 3
2.2食用早餐 4
3初中生物教学中渗透营养健康教育的可行性 4
3.1 生物教学的内容是渗透营养健康教育的很好的载体 4
3.2 初中生的个性特点为营养健康教育的渗透提供了需求 4
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