摘 要:中美贸易已经有了百年的历史,尤其是中美建交和改革开放的全面展开将两国的贸易交流与合作掀起了一个新的浪潮。中国的经济在飞速的发展,中美之间的贸易关系也在快速转变,贸易交往的程度也越来越高,我国是美国最大的贸易合作伙伴,互利共赢是两国的共同选择。然而美国严格的出口管制政策,过度的贸易保护主义,两国不同的统计标准,我国内需严重不足,以及长期以来大量的引进外商投资进行出口创汇等原因加剧了两国的贸易失衡。面对这种失衡加剧的现状,两国政府应通过友好的协商与洽谈去调和美国对华政策性管制,中国政府应采取措施拉动国内需求,在保出口的基础上增加进口,优化对外资的引进,扩大对外投资,让我国企业走向国际大舞台,采取对策使两国的统计标准趋于一致等措施来减缓失衡。因此通过历年来的统计数据对中美贸易失衡的现状进行描述和回顾,以分析失衡产生的原因以及对中美两国经济发展和社会环境产生的影响,最后针对性的给出切实可行的解决策略。36790
The Present Situation and countermeasure research of Sino-US trade imbalance
Abstract: Sino-us trade has had a history of one hundred years, Especially diplomatic ties and the reform and open policy in full swing to trade exchanges and cooperation between the two countries have set off a new wave .China’s economy is booming,the trade relations of China and United States is rapidly shifting ,the degree of trade exchanges between the more and more is so high . Our country is America’s largest trade partner .mutual benefit and win-win results is a common choose between the two countries. However ,strict export control policy in the United States ,excessive trade protectionism ,a serious shortage of domestic demand in China ,the two countries different statistical standards ,And has long been a lot of foreign investment in China for export and so on reasons contributed to the bilateral trade imbalance .In the face of such imbalance ,the government should through the friendly consultation and negotiation between the two countries to reconcile America’s China policy regulation .the Chinese government should take measures to boost domestic demand .On the basis of guaranteed exports increase imports .optimization of the introduction of foreign investment ,expand investments abroad let the Chinese enterprises go global ,to take countermeasures to make statistical standards converge to slow the imbalance between the two countries ..In this article ,through the years of statistical data on the current situation of Sino-US trade imbalance is described and reviewed .In order to analysis the causes of imbalance as well as to the economic development in China and the United States and the impact of social environment ,and finally put forward the feasible of constructive countermeasures .
Key Words: Sino-Us trade imbalance; export control; foreign investment
目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract . 3
一 、中美贸易失衡的现状 4
(一)失衡严重 4
(二)中美两国外贸依存度高 5
(三)双反问题 5
二 、中美贸易失衡的原因分析 7
(一)美国的出口管制政策 7
(二)我国内需严重不足 8
(三)中美两国的统计标准差异 9
(四)大量的外商投资加剧了贸易失衡 10
三 、减缓中美贸易失衡所应采取的对策 10
(一)调和美国对华管制 10
- 上一篇:中国粮食出口贸易的现状问题及对策
- 下一篇:推进农村土地流转的国际经验及对我国的启示