关键词 农村金融 农村经济 供给 效率
毕业论文 外 文 摘 要
Title Study on the influence of rural finance to rural economy from the perspective of supply
Abstract China is a country with a large population, where the agriculture occupies a basic position, which makes it play a significant role in the the smooth operation of the national economy.While with the continuous advance of China's industrialization and urbanization, agriculture's contribution to GDP has been increasingly weak. As the "three rural" issues raised, as well as rural the promote of the reform of credit cooperatives, rural finance began to attract people's attention. This article try to explore the correlation between rural finance and rural economy from the perspective of financial supply with the use of both theoretical and empirical analysis. What’s more,with the related rural finance theory and lessons drew from the foreign country financial system,this paper also attempts to put forward some suggestion to the future development of rural finance in our country.
Keywords rural finance rural economy supply efficiency
目 次
1 引言 1
2.1 国外文献综述 3
2.2 国内文献综述 4
2.3 文献总结 5
3 农村金融基本概念及相关理论 7
3.1 农村金融含义与发展 7
3.2 农村金融发展理论 8
4 国外农村金融供给体系构建经验 10
4.1 国外农村金融供给体系 10
4.2 国外农村金融体系经验 12
5 中国农村金融供给体系现状及实证分析 13
5.1 中国农村金融体系现状 14
5.2 农村金融供给与农村经济增长的实证分析 15
6 中国农村金融供给体系发展建议 20
6.1 合理界定政府与市场的职能,强化农村金融体系构建 20
6.2 健全农村金融法律法规,形成金融机构内部监管体系 21
6.3 促进农村金融不断创新,完善农村金融服务体系 22
结 论 23
致 谢 24
参考文献 25
1 引言