毕业论文关键字 黄金盎司量 美元市场风险 波动 比较
毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
Title Analysis and comparison of US dollar market risk: Based on taking gold as a reference
US dollar market has been releasing risk since the financial crisis and the European debt crisis. Firstly, utilizing ounces of gold to evaluate the value of US dollar and euro, this paper compares between two currency market risks and between volatility of factors (interest rate, commodity price index, crude oil price, stock index, current account and unemployment rate) which affect two currency markets respectively. Then, this paper analyses how the volatility of those factors influences two currency market risks, and analyses the character, extent and significance of these impacts. Finally the paper analyses the status of US dollar market risk through recently fiscal report of Federal Reserve. Based on taking gold as a reference, the conclusion is that during the sample period, the risk of US dollar market was bigger than that of euro market, and the risk of US dollar market is accumulating and slowly releasing in a cycle.
Keywords ounces of gold US dollar market risk volatility comparison
目 次
1 引言 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.3 研究创新 4
1.4 研究不足 4
2 美元市场的风险比较——以欧元的市场风险为比较对象 6
2.1 美元与欧元的黄金价格波动率比较 6
2.2 各影响因素的波动比较 7
3 美元的市场风险分析——以欧元市场的风险为比较对象 12
3.1 实证分析美国联邦基金利率波动对美元黄金价波动的影响 17
3.2 实证分析美国通货膨胀率波动对美元黄金价波动的影响 19
3.3 实证分析美国WTI原油价格波动对美元黄金价波动的影响 22
3.4 实证分析美国道琼斯工业平均指数的波动对美元黄金价波动的影响 26
3.5 实证分析美国经常账户的波动对美元黄金价波动的影响 29
3.6 实证分析美国失业率的波动对美元黄金价波动的影响 31
3.7 欧元的市场风险分析 34
3.8 小结 36
4 美元的市场风险状态 39