


    毕业论文关键词  GDP增长率  股市发展  方差分析   理论和实际


    Title    The analysis of the effect of GDP growth rate    for the stock market development                


    The stock market is called the barometer and the meteorological station in many developed countries. It has been recognized that financial activities plays an important role in the development process of the market economy by majority of economists. However, many scholars at home and abroad have different understandings of the correlation between the stock market and macroeconomic. The emergence and development of the stock market is an important act in the economic reform and tightly associated with economic development. Whether the stock market operates effectively will affect the optimization of the resource allocation, survival of the fittest and so on.

    This paper begins with a basic problem whether the rise of GDP growth rate can promote the development of stock market, then do the research on the relationship between GDP growth and the stock market at the present stage. The whole paper includes the theoretical analysis and the analysis of variance test. In theory, the growth of economy promotes the development of the stock market. But after the test, we found the result is different from the theory. The rise of GDP growth rate does not play a significant role in the stock market. I think the stock market in our country is on standby to improve further maybe.

    Keywords  GDP growth rate stock market variance analysis theory and fact

    目   次

    1  导论 1

    1.1  选题背景及问题的提出 1

    1.2 国内外文献综述 1

    2  股票市场和宏观经济的相互作用 3

    2.1  股票市场的主要功能 3

    2.2  股票市场促进宏观经济的理论概述 4

    2.3  宏观经济对股票市场发展的作用 5

    3  GDP增长率与股市发展的研究 6

    3.1  研究方法:方差分析法 6

    3.2  代表性数据和数据来源 6

    3.3  模型概述 7

    3.3.1  单因素等重复试验 7

    3.3.2  多重比较 12

    4  试验和结果分析 14

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