    摘要:随着改革开放 30 年以来,上海的金融市场体系从无到有,目前已经初具规模,既是上海金融中心的基础,也是上海金融中心区别于国内其他金融中心的鲜明特色。我国要进一步扩大对外开放,使上海成为国际性金融中心,就不能脱离金融全球化的大趋势。在上海现有的国内外金融环境及条件下,创建和发展离岸金融市场有何意义?在大量数据和事实的基础上详细分析研究和探索如何建立和发展上海离岸金融市场,给出其条件,离岸金融市场作为国际金融贸易中心的重要组成部分,它的建立和发展将将对中心的建设产生巨大的推动作用。本文分析了构建和发展上海离岸金融市场的战略性意义和可行性,并对于离岸金融市场形成与发展的性质与意义作出论述,并最终对提出了创建和发展上海离岸金融市场的策略设想及对策建议。
    Study on construction of Shanghai offshore financial market
    Abstract: With the 30 years since the reform and opening up, from the financial market system in Shanghai, now has a certain scale, Shanghai financial center is the distinct characteristic of Shanghai financial center, is also different from other domestic financial center. China will further expand the opening to the outside world, making Shanghai an international financial center, it can not be divorced from the trend of financial globalization. In Shanghai,the existing domestic and international financial environment and conditions, create and what is the significance of the development of offshore financial market? Based on a large amount of data and fact analysis study and explore how to set up and development of Shanghai offshore financial market, given the conditions, offshore financial market as an international financial and trade center of an important part, its establishment and development construction of the center will play a tremendous role in promoting the. This paper analyzes the strategic significance and the feasibility of the construction and development of Shanghai offshore financial market, and the offshore financial markets for the formation and development of the nature and significance to discuss, and finally to put forward ideas and Countermeasures of strategy creation and development of Shanghai offshore financial market.

    Keyword:Shanghai; offshore financial markets;international financial center

    目  录
    一、    绪论    1
    (一)研究的背景    1
    (二)研究的意义    1
    (三)文献综述    2
    (四)论文的主要内容    3
    二、离岸金融市场的相关概念与理论    4
    (一)离岸金融市场的相关概念    4
    (二)离岸金融市场的相关理论    4
    1、金融创新理论与离岸金融市场    4
    2、离岸金融市场的收益——成本分析    5
    3、金融中心的基础理论    6
    三、上海发展离岸金融市场的优劣势分析    7
    (一)优势    7
    (二)劣势    7
    四、国外发展离岸金融市场的成功经验    9
    (一)应根据本国自己的国情选择适合本国的离岸金融市场模式    9
    (二)政府的积极推动对离岸金融市场的发展与建设有重大的影响    10
    (三)需要一些基础条件    11
    (四)需要一些特殊条件    12
    五、创建及发展上海离岸金融市场的对策建议    13
    (一)引入更多的离岸从业机构    13
    (二)放宽外汇管制、深化金融改革    13
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