    Abstract In the context of increasingly rich material life, college students spending its gregarious nature, concentration, low- and no-income persified characteristics, but also emerged in today's college students off consumer attitudes and values. Adopt Keynesian theory to explain the current absolute income college students spending is weak, and the introduction of the theory to explain the relative income college students to provide a more powerful consumer point of view, an effective complement to the shortcomings and deficiencies absolute income theory. Firstly, to start from the absolute income theory, discusses the changes in the relationship between the absolute income theory of consumption in the current income and current college students, drawn defective absolute income theory, then the theory is introduced relative income supplement, and from the fact that both the theory and discourse Contact with Students consumption. Finally, under the premise of the above analysis, the proposed countermeasures, proposals for the unit to guide students to establish a rational view of consumption.
    Keywords: university students; consumer attitudes; absolute income hypothesis; relative income hypothesis
    摘要    I
    一、引言    - 1 -
    (一)课题提出的背景    - 1 -
    (二)消费及大学生消费的概述    - 1 -
    1.消费的含义及要素    - 1 -
    2.大学生消费行为的涵义和特点    - 1 -
    3. 消费者行为的理论基础    - 2 -
    二、绝对收入理论的解释陷阱——大学生消费的经济学分析    - 3 -
    (一)绝对收入理论    - 3 -
    1.绝对收入理论    - 3 -
    2.绝对收入理论对居民消费现状乏力解释    - 3 -
    (二)当前大学生的收入消费特点    - 4 -
    1.低收入、高消费是其基本特征    - 4 -
    2.趋同消费是其消费的重要特征    - 4 -
    3.消费倾向偏高,基本无储蓄倾向    - 5 -
    (三)绝对收入理论对大学生消费的解释陷阱    - 5 -
    三、相对收入理论指导下的大学生消费    - 7 -
    (一)相对收入理论及其理论框架    - 7 -
    (二)相对收入假说对大学生消费的解释    - 7 -
    1. 受过去消费习惯影响,居高难下    - 7 -
    2.群居性特点,从众性消费    - 8 -
    3. 攀比成风,高消费日盛    - 8 -
    四、对大学生消费的建议    - 9 -
    (一)树立正确的消费观    - 9 -
    (二)对学生消费行为进行正确引导    - 9 -
    (三)加强教育,引导树立正确消费观    - 9 -
    总结    - 10 -
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