    China's sustained and rapid economic development, economic strength enhanced unceasingly, more and more scholars put forward by the Chinese government need to adopt a positive approach to promote the yuan as a future international currency. This article is based on the background and conditions of the internationalisation of the renminbi, combined with the implementation of the strategy of "area", from two aspects of the functions of international settlement, international reserves functions discusses the current situation of the development of RMB internationalization, the yuan as a settlement currency has been accepted by many countries. In fact, many countries in southeast Asia the RMB has become a hard currency. But want to be in the global foreign exchange reserves commensurate with China's economy, the proportion of the internationalisation of the renminbi's journey is very far away. On the basis of the analysis of RMB internationalization is facing opportunities and challenges, in the long term RMB internationalizationis a gradual in-depth and tortuous circuitous process. Then an empirical analysis on the basis of the economic theory the costs and benefits of internationalisation of the renminbi, the following conclusion: although the internationalisation of the renminbi will bring certain cost, but the theory of benefits and can estimate the benefit is considerable, and finally puts forward the specific path of RMB internationalization.
    Key words:RMBinternationalization;Cost benefit analysis; The internationalization path
     目  录
    摘  要    1
    ABSTRACT    1
    第一章  人民币国际化概述    2
    1.1概述    2
    1.2背景及原因    2
    1.3条件    3
    第二章  人民币国际化发展现状    4
    2.1从国际结算职能看人民币国际化发展现状    4
    2.2从国际储备职能看人民币国际化发展现状    4
    第三章  人民币国际化面临的机遇与挑战    6
    3.1人民币国际化面临的机遇    6
    3.2人民币国际化进程面临的挑战    7
    第四章  人民币国际化的成本和收益    9
    4.1人民币国际化成本    9
    4.2我国货币替代情况现状    9
    4.3人民币国际化的收益    10
    第五章  人民币国际化路径分析    15
    5.1保持经济增长和人民币币值稳定    15
    5.2结合“一带一路”战略,提高人民币在国际结算中的使用    16
    5.3提高人民币在金融衍生品交易体系中的运用程度    16
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