    Since reform and opening up, China's economy has maintained rapid growth of the state, and made great achievements. The Yangtze river delta economic integration was first created in China area, rely on the geographical advantage of its special location, from the reform and opening up to now has made great achievements. 2011 national 12th five-year plan, put forward foster emerging industries upgrade the manufacturing industry, the development the development of the policy. Policy aim is to explain the current optimization and upgrading of industrial structure is imminent. Because the adjustment of industrial structure upgrade is not only the objective demand of economic development, is the key to promote the development of modern economy further. Adjust the level of industry, promote the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure, is the healthy development of China's economic path, improve the competitiveness of the industry. For the adjustment of industrial structure upgrade and the financial development plays an important role, this article in view of the Yangtze river delta region finance development to analyze the influence of industrial structure upgrade, Yangtze river delta for the future financial development in the adjustment of industrial structure to a deeper level to provide a theoretical basis.
    Keywords :Financial development; Industrial structure ;household savings; upgrade mechanism
    目  录
    摘  要    I
    第一章  绪论    1
    1.1研究背景    1
    1.2研究意义    1
    第二章  长三角的金融发展和产业结构    2
    2.1长三角的金融发展    2
    2.2长三角的产业结构    3
    第三章  金融发展对于产业结构升级的影响    7
    3.1金融发展推动产业结构升级的机理    7
    3.2金融发展对于产业结构升级的影响    7
    3.3金融发展和产业结构升级所遇到的问题和挑战    8
    第四章  长三角金融发展对产业结构升级产生影响    10
    4.1长三角产业结构进入“二三一”时代    10
    4.2实证模型分析    10
    4.3实证结果说明    11
    4.4实证结论    11
    第五章  金融发展对产业结构升级的建议    12
    5.1加强金融和产业结构的融合    12
    5.2建立完善的社会机制推动金融对产业结构的发展    12
    5.3完善金融体系,健全产业结构体系    13
    致  谢    15
    参考文献    16
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