     ABSTRACT In this paper, using the direct investment from other provinces of zhejiang province as the research object, mainly using the research methods of theoretical analysis, the present situation, the effect of foreign direct investment in zhejiang province and reason in this paper and discusses, and attempts to seek some methods of effective use of foreign direct investment. Zhejiang foreign direct investment is the main part of the foreign direct investment in China, with the outbreak of the global economic crisis, foreign direct investment enterprises in zhejiang province for the pace of investment has been affected, research the economic effect of foreign direct investment in zhejiang province has become a very realistic work. Foreign direct investment is an important part of open economy, the following will be from the main trend of economic development in zhejiang province and the present situation of foreign direct investment, on the basis of detailed analysis of the zhejiang province at this stage of the effects of foreign direct investment analysis of data from nearly 10 years of using FDI in zhejiang province on the effect of technological progress, industrial structure change and FDI enterprises brings to the local employment situation and the impact on the foreign trade import and export.
     Keywords: FDI; Technological advances;Industrial structure;Employment;Foreign    trade
    目  录
    第一章  引言    1
    1.1背景意义    1
    1.2研究思路和方法    1
    第二章  浙江省外商直接投资的现状与趋势分析    3
    2.1利用外商直接投资总体规模发展历程    3
    2.2外商直接投资企业的来源分析    6
    2.3外商直接投资的产业结构分析    8
    第三章  浙江省外商直接投资的经济效应    9
    3.1FDI对浙江省技术进步的影响    9
    3.1.1FDI已经成为浙江省引进技术的主要方式    9
    3.1.2FDI对浙江省技术进步的溢出效应    9
    3.2FDI对浙江省就业产生的影响    10
    3.2.1浙江省的就业总体情况    10
    3.2.2FDI对就业的影响    11
        3.3FDI对浙江省的产业结构升级起到的作用    13
    3.3.1FDI与产业结构优化的关系    13
    3.3.2FDI对浙江省产业结构升级的资本效应    13
    3.4FDI对浙江省对外贸易的影响    15
    3.4.1FDI促进了对外贸易的增长    15
    3.4.2外商直接投资企业对净出口贡献    16
    第四章  浙江省利用FDI产生的问题与相关政策建议    17
    4.1FDI对浙江省产生的经济风险和问题    17
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