    China's Internet financial was roughly pided into two stages by 2013, before2013 development of internet financial was relatively slow, it was traditional financial network and third party payment.after 2013, the Internet financial development in a high speed.Internet financial is continuous innovating and expanding, developing various of new business models,the internet financial have huge impact on commercial Banks, now the Internet financial has been concerned by society.
     E-commerce one of the main reason for Internet financial development is electronic commerce, so I research the Alibaba and its subsidiary products, in order to help commercial bank find the strategy to deal with the internet financial.in this paper, through the SWOT analysis of Alibaba , three main financial products, to explore the Internet financial’s impacts on commercial Banks. First, this paper introduce the meaning of the Internet financial, at the same time analsising the internet financial compare to traditional financial. Secondly, introduce the financial markets and the Internet model of development finance. Thirdly, introduce cases Alibaba and its offerings. Then for Alipay balance treasure, trick treasure SWOT analysis, focusing on the impact on the commercial banks. Finally, based on the foregoing analysis, On how to deal with on Internet Financial to make recommendations for commercial bank
    Key words:Internet Financial;Commercial Bank;Case analysis;SWOT analysis
    目    录
    摘    要    I
    第一章    绪论    1
      1.1选题背景与研究意义    1
      1.2研究内容与方法    1
      1.3文献综述    2
    第二章    互联网金融概述    4
      2.1互联网金融的含义与特点    4
      2.2互联网金融的主要模式    5
      2.3互联网金融的发展现状    6
    第三章    互联网金融对商业银行的影响    9
      3.1互联网金融对商业银行的正面影响    9
      3.2互联网金融对商业银行的负面影响    9
      3.3第三方支付对商业银行的影响    9
      3.4P2P网贷对商业银行的影响    10
      3.5众筹对商业银行的影响    10
    第四章    案例介绍————阿里巴巴集团    11
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