    ABSTRACT With the development of economy in recent years, many economists will be economic growth as the core content of the research, since the implementation of China's reform and opening up, economic growth has reached the miracle of human economic development, but in the future economic growth will enter the new normal.Appreciation of the RMB will lead to increased cost of labor and resources, resulting in a significant reduction in the rate of profit on labor-intensive enterprises, export-oriented enterprises less competitive.Since the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States, leading to the global financial crisis and the capital market has brought a huge financial risk. All these issues will bring direct or indirect impact on the future economic development of Jiangsu province.These problems will have a significant impact on the future development of economy in Jiangsu province.In the new normal economic growth will enter the era of "6", facing the industry in our province is not only difficult, also have the opportunity, only to keep pace with the times, adjust and optimize industrial structure to reduce loss of resources, improve production efficiency, eventually to maintain the province's economic stable growth.By analyzing the current situation of the industrial structure of Jiangsu Province, using Eviews to analyze the relevant data, it is concluded that the optimization of industrial structure in Jiangsu has a significant impact on economic growth.
    Key words:New normal;Industrial Structure;Economic Growth
    目  录
    摘  要    I
    第一章  绪论    1
    1.1研究背景及意义    1
    1.2研究主要内容    1
    第二章  相关理论概述    3
    2.1新常态的定义    3
    2.2产业结构的定义与内涵    3
    2.3经济增长的定义    5
    2.4产业结构对经济增长的作用分析    5
    第三章  新常态下江苏经济及产业结构发展现状分析    7
    3.1江苏省产业结构的现状及存在的主要问题    7
    3.2产业结构优化情况    8
    第四章  产业结构优化对经济增长影响的实证分析    10
    4.1数据的选择与处理    10
    4.2江苏产业结构对经济增长的模型设定    11
    4.3江苏产业结构对经济增长的实证分析    11
    4.4实证小结    13
    第五章 相关政策建议    14
    5.1新常态下优化产业结构促进经济发展的基本思路    14
    5.2江苏省产业结构优化升级政策研究    14
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