

    毕业论文关键词:古村镇  历史文化遗产  特色  发展 

    Xinyi of YaowanTown Characteristic Development


    City is the witness of the history of mankind, the international community has formed a basic consensus on the protection of urban history. Ancient town is a result of historical and cultural heritage, which preserves the rich historic district, cultural relics and traditional architecture are featuring the essence of five thousand years of Chinese civilization. Within the scope of the world, China has the most historic towns, or they had been witnessed the changes of dynasties in the capital, or was a historic and cultural city town, or had is to promote an important channel of communication between China and foreign countries, or was a scenic tour of the resort. Every town has its own glorious memory, but at the same time every town in the development process will inevitably have many problems. Today, with the accelerated process of urbanization, these rich and unique charm of the ancient town is also gradually developing. We are in the pursuit of urban development at the same time, but also need to assume the important responsibility of the ancient town of protection of the ancient city. Since modern times, for how to deal with the urban development and the protection of context, our country still exist many deficiencies, the general said failed to fully understand the historical and cultural heritage for all mankind and the importance of and damage phenomenon have occurred, but these heritage is not alternative, once destroyed it is difficult to restore the precious wealth. It is a valuable material and cultural heritage of China.In this paper, the main condition of development of yaowan town were summary and analysis, to explore the relationship between city development and historical and cultural heritage protection, and of yaowan Town, characteristic development direction is discussed in this paper.   


    Key Words: ancient town  Historical and cultural heritage  characteristic      development

    目  录

    摘  要 I

    Abstract II

    1 绪论 1

    2 我国现阶段古村镇发展概述

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