




    During the whole industrial process, human beings have created unprecedented fortune, which promote the process of development of civilization. In the meantime, the human’s behaviors to meet our needs to the most, has caused the global environmental pollution and ecological destruction. Nowadays, it has been realized that we must be constrained to observe nature law and develop in a sustainable way in which population, economy, society, environment and resources are coordinated and all promoted together. With this environmental protection trend green barrier has arisen. With renewed international trade protectionism, green barrier is becoming a big obstacle for the further development of international trade in the 21st century. 

    Tea is one of the major traditional agricultural products of advantage in Zhejiang Province. It has obvious advantages in resources and price. Since Zhejiang province, which occupies an extremely important position in China's tea export market, is a big province of tea export, its tea exports accounted for more than half of the share, ahead of other provinces. However, the emergence of green barrier in twentieth Century 90 times is a serious blow to China's export trade. Tea exports in Zhejiang province is under the same situation. In order to break through the green barrier in international agriculture trade, Zhejiang Province should respond positively. Only after we cross the threshold can we achieve sustainable development of tea export. 

    This paper is pided into four chapters. The first chapter is introduction, which describes the background of the topic and the meaning of the research. Chapter 2 introduces relevant theoretical basis, saying the theories of green trade barriers. The third chapter analyzes the effect of green barrier to tea export of Zhejiang province. This part first introduces tea production and export situation in Zhejiang province. the tea growing situation in Zhejiang province is briefly listed from 2004 to 2012, and then the tea export situation from 2004 to 2013 is analyzed. Next it describes the change of tea export, the influence of green barrier on Zhejiang tea exports, finally the reason. Chapter 4, the paper puts forward the strategy of coping with green barrier. 

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