
    摘要:2015年上半年的牛市带来了“全民炒股”大潮,随着上证与深证指数扶摇直上的良好发展态势,以及众多股民在股市的获利,他们吸引了越来越多的股民进入股市、投身股市,其中有一支炒股大军不容忽视,他们是来着全国各地的大学生。本应在教室学习的大学生纷纷进入股市,在这一现象的背后,是理性的合理投资还是只是跟风入市? 社会又如何正确看待大学生炒股? 本文通过对大学生炒股热这一现象的研究分析,给出了自己的一些看法和建议。本文分为四个部分,第一部分介绍文章的研究目的和意义已经研究现状;第二部分是文章的重点,分析了大学生炒股热这一现象,主要从投资行为、原因,以及影响分析三方面着手;第三部分对大学生炒股现象的对策进行了研究。第四部分得出结论并提出建议。47027

    毕业论文关键词:炒股; 投资理财; 大学生;

    Thermal analysis of the University Students “Scalping in Stocks”

    Abstract:In 2015 the bull market in the first half to bring the "popular speculation," the tide, with a good momentum of development of Shanghai and Shenzhen stock index soared, and many investors in stock market profits, they attract more and more investors to enter the stock market, to join the stock market, which has a large stock of army can not be ignored, they are composed of college students in domestic universities. This study should be in the classroom of the college students have entered the stock market, behind the phenomenon, is rational investment or just jumping on the bandwagon? Society and how to correctly treat stocks university? In this paper, through the analysis of the phenomenon of College Students' stocks hot research, and gives the own opinions and suggestions. This paper is pided into four parts. The first part introduced the purpose and significance of the article have studied  

    the current situation; the second part is the focus of the article, analyzes the phenomena of college students hot stocks, mainly from the investment behavior, causes, and effects of three aspects; of speculation behavior of College Students. In the third part, countermeasures were studied. The fourth part draws a conclusion and puts forward some suggestions.

    KeyWords: Scalping in Stocks; Investment and Financing; University Students;

    目  录

    引言 1

    一、研究综述 2

    (一)研究目的和意义 2

    (二)研究现状 2

    二、大学生炒股热分析 4

    (一)投资行为分析 4

    1、入市资金规模与选股方式 4

    2、投资风格与风险偏好 5

    3、时间花费 6

    4、不同专业大学生参与炒股的异同 7

    (二)炒股的原因分析 7

    1、经济原因 7

    2、社会原因 8

    3、个人原因 8

    (三)炒股的影响分析 9

    1、大学生炒股的负面影响 9

    2、大学生炒股的正面影响 10

    三、大学生炒股现象的对策研究 12

    (一)理性看待,正确引导 12


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