

    Along with electronic commerce industry increasingly mature in Chain and integration of the development of communication technology and Internet technology. “The fifth technology cycle” that the mobile Internet has produced, making a subversive change in the traditional mobile communication industry. Mobile e-commerce based on mobile terminal is also increasingly arisen. The domestic mobile e-commerce is still at the primary stage, compared with the traditional e-commerce industry. For the integration of industry chain, existing a series of problems. In this paper, we explore the model of integration and innovation of industrial chain, by around the five elements of the integration of mobile e-commerce industry chain in China, users, service providers, suppliers, operators and government. At the same time, putting forward the internal relation mode ---“2+2+1”mode, using the grey correlation analysis, to find out the relationship among these five elements. And focuses on exploring the five elements of this model, can develop the mobile e-commerce balanced in the importance ranking state that Operator-Supplier-The government-User-Servicer, the integration of industrial chain to achieve optimal effect. 

    毕业论文关键词:移动电子商务; 产业链整合; 灰色关联度;“2+2+1”模式

    Keywords: mobile e-commerce; the integration of industry chain;grey correlation analysis ;’2+2+1’model


    摘 要 2

    1.引言 4

    1.1研究的背景及意义 4

    1.2研究的基本内容 4

    1.3待解决的问题 5

    1.4研究方法 5

    2.参考文献 6

    2.1国内移动电子商务发展概述 6

    2.2移动电子商务产业链研究 6

    2.3产业链整合相关性研究 7

    2.4目前研究存在的问题 7

    3.产业链整合创新的理论分析 9

    3.1我国移动电子商务市场发展分析 9

    3.2国内移动电子商务产业链整合研究 11

    3.3移动电子商务产业链整合创新因素研究 12

    4.基于产业链整合的模型研究 15

    4.1.灰色关联度分析模型的构建 15

    4.2.五大要素关联效应分析 15

    4.3.“2+2+1”模式 19


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