

    毕业论文关键词:电子商务 ;上海跨境电商;上海自贸区;

    Analysis on the development of cross-border e-commerce in Shanghai

    Abstract:Along with the electronic information technology shocking rapid development and economic globalization times constant depth, cross-border e-commerce has become China's enterprises to develop overseas market, increase core competitiveness and an important way to enhance the international brand image. Cross border e-commerce has influenced the layout of China's foreign trade industry chain, has changed the traditional way of foreign enterprises, and has become a new e-commerce model in China. Despite its growth, market size, market potential and the world's influence, China's cross-border e-commerce services have been located in the world's leading position. But there is still many or bright or dark problem in the development of China's cross-border e-commerce, such as the quality of the products and related property, customs procedures, payment, credit, logistics and transportation, and national policy etc. bottleneck, these are big problems we face. To deal with these problems should take measures to promote the development of cross-border e-commerce and contribute to our country's electronic trading. And Shanghai as an international trade center cities, is a platform for China's economy into the world and in cross-border e-commerce to establish free trade zone big market, more resources to test example, firmly grasp the opportunity of the construction of free trade zone of Shanghai, deepen of electronic commerce enterprises outside the area in the region of the economic and trade cooperation and deepen the relationship between each other. Beginning in 2013, the cross-border e-commerce trade in Shanghai experimental model is bonded import mode of online shopping, online direct purchase of imported models, the general export model, the cities of cross-border business is direct purchase and bonded imports and exports. 

    Key words: E-commerce; China's cross-border electricity suppliers; Shanghai free trade zone; the development of cross-border E-commerce

    目  录

    引言 1

    一、我国跨境电子商务发展 2

    (一) 跨境电子商务促进了贸易便利化 2

    1. 突破时间和空间限制,贸易效率高 2

    2. 交易透明化、平台化,贸易成本低 2

    3. 支持企业“走出去”,助力营销升级 3

    (二) 全球电子商务的现状 3


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