

    毕业论文关键词:新疆; 电子商务; 问题; 对策

    Abstract With the development of information technology, the speed of information dissemination has exceeded the time and geographical constraints, network and globalization has become the inevitable trend of the world. Due to the rapid expansion of Internet users, China's e-commerce is also in full swing, to the development of social economy and people's life has brought great changes, the market will also form a new pattern.E-commerce service is the enterprise electronic commerce application support environment of an important part, is an important force of promoting e-commerce applications in xinjiang. For many products in xinjiang and many other enterprises to provide e-commerce application services, such as providing website, online payment online marketing and e-commerce services. No authoritative statistical data, it is estimated that less than 200, far cannot satisfy the rapid development of electronic commerce in xinjiang. In addition, the enterprise scale is relatively small, the marketing and promotion ability is weak, they face more pressure, to promote the application of electronic commerce enterprises need to improve the electronic commerce of xinjiang. This paper to Xinjiang e-commerce market development and structure were analysis and research, and put forward some countermeasures, in order to e-commerce market can have a better development of e-business in Xinjiang in the development process exist some problems. 

    Key words: Xinjiang; electronic commerce; problem; countermeasure 

     目    录

    绪论 5

    1.电子商务发展概述 5

    1.1项目背景 5

    2.电商环境发展现状 6

    2.1网络环境 6

    2.2信用环境 6

    2.3人才环境 6

    3. 电商应用现状 6

    3.1涉农 6

    3.2旅游 6

    3.3跨境 7

    3.4现状 7

    4.电商服务业发展现状 7

    4.1平台服务 8

    4.2第三方支付服务 10

    5.发展展望 10

    5.1主要问题 10

    5.2机遇和挑战 10

    5.2.1机遇 10

    5.2.2挑战 11

    5.3措施建议 11

    5.3.1促进电子商务相关协会的建设和发展 11

    5.3.2积极寻求国内对新疆电子商务发展的支持 12


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